Sometimes you have just one chance to get your message across, such as during the golden hour following a major event or crisis.
At other times, good communication is about keeping consistent communication coming from the many different voices within your organisation.
We can help you and your staff feel confident and prepared for any situation you may face, from the tiniest tweet to an interview for the News at Ten.
Our experienced staff deliver training in a range of subjects and can create bespoke programmes for you including Social Media ToolKits, Blogging for LinkedIn, building brand guidelines as well as broadcast training and interview skills.

“Twelve’s social media training is excellent. We all enjoyed ourselves, but most importantly came away with the skills we needed. Delivered with a practical, hands-on style the training meant it was actually relatively easy for us to engage in new activities – something which has been very valuable to our busy team.”
Carlo Di Terlizzi, Tata Steel, Marketing Communications Manager